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It's the new year! We all like a fresh start. While many boast the "NEW YEAR, NEW YOU", we'd like to think that the same you is more appropriate and a fresh set of goals to channel your awesome "UpBeatness" is just the ticket!

As we talk about goals in the group fitness setting, what comes to YOUR mind? Attending more classes? Finding greater community? Perhaps as an instructor, getting used to the mic?

Here's the question (think long and hard before you answer...)

If you're an instructor, WHY did you become one? What was your drive, desire, focus?

If you're a participant, WHY do you attend group fitness? What is it you are seeking?

Answering these questions can help us narrow the focus of our goals. Making small achievable goals for ourselves and for our classes alike.

As one example, instructors can set the class up with purpose by saying things like, "our goal for today is to find that mind-body connection in all our movements. Find purpose and control."

Find your "why" and you'll know exactly how to move confidently forward with your goals this year.


1 Comment

Wendy Franklin
Wendy Franklin
Jan 09, 2021

I became an instructor because I wanted to share the love of upbeat with others! I have always loved group fitness and felt like this was something I could teach since dance/ballet has been such a big part of my life. Love that you girls have created this perfect format and it has been so much fun from day one! One of my goals is to help my participants feel proud of themselves and love their body and what it can do for them, feel stronger as we grow friendships.

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