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Better Together--Finding Unity starts with ONE person


In June, Celebrating Pride Month and Juneteenth, UpBeat Barre created a campaign called "Better Together", where we highlighted the different ways we can be better together--by being an ALLY, promoting building an inclusive fitness community, raising awareness about anti-bullying, and providing inclusivity for people of all ages, stages, and genders.

Unity in diversity is an expression of harmony between dissimilar individuals or groups.

We don’t need to have one mindset, one thought, or even one idea in order to be united. We are better when we can come together and work hard to find compromise, seek harmony, and unite in purpose.

Being united is super easy when we are all the same. But there is something beautiful in coming together from different backgrounds, ideas, thought patterns, and ideals to form something that is truly all-inclusive. It’s hard work to break down our 2-D illusions of what we think is best—but what we will find instead is a 3-dimensional view of a truly spectacular bigger picture.

Expressions of individuality, authenticity, love, and unity bring a community together.


What’s the difference between sticking out like a sore thumb and shining like the North Star? Confidence in being different.

While it’s much easier to fit in, why not stand out?

There is beauty in being unique. Beauty in all shapes. In all sizes. In all colors. In all places.

It might not feel safe to feel different, and sometimes society wants us to be the same because it, too, feels safer that way. Be bold, stand tall, don’t be afraid to walk alone for a minute while you get comfortable being uncomfortable.

In return, you invite others to be unique, and we can all begin to appreciate each other’s differences.


We hear about it all the time. But what does it actually mean?

🌟Acting in a way that aligns with your core values

🌟Spending time on people and things you value—regardless of their popularity or “instagramability”

🌟Setting and maintaining boundaries

🌟Being open-minded and open-hearted—both with your own thoughts and listening to others

🌟Articulating opinions with integrity

When we live with authenticity, people who do the same will find you.


Have you ever just LOVED something you’re not necessarily good at?


Volleyball. (I will talk about it till everyone knows this fact about me. It’s part of my core identity.)

I love it. Love watching it. Love playing it. Once, at volleyball camp, I won the “most teachable” award. Probably because I was absolutely not good but they could see my passion and desire to keep trying.

The point is, you don’t HAVE to be the best at something to love it. You can just love it for the sake of loving it!

And so it is with other people who are different from you, or have different interests, or come from different backgrounds. We might not initially be good at finding common ground, but pursing the friendship, taking the time to see commonality among our differences— that may not come naturally to us—that, guaranteed, will help us grow, and our community will be stronger for those efforts.


There is beauty in being unique. Beauty in all shapes. In all sizes. In all colors. In all places.

It might not feel safe to feel different, and sometimes society wants us to be the same because it, too, feels safer that way. Be bold, stand tall, don’t be afraid to walk alone for a minute while you get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Barre hasn't always been known for being an inclusive format--in fact, it was created with exclusivity in mind. UpBeat Barre, at its very core and from the very beginning, has sought to change that view. Bringing barre to gyms, studios, outdoor classes, and large scale special events that truly unite communities is part of our mission statement and purpose, and we invite everyone, everywhere to join us!



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